How to get to Jerico? How to get to Riverside?

Riverside is located 10 minutes by shuttle from Jericho or a pleasant 40 minute walk (2.9 km). In the central square, you can get mototaxi service (COP 7 – 10 thousand per person), taxi (COP 25 thousand up to 4 passengers), “Motoraton” / tuk tuk (up to 3 passengers) or “Chivero” / Jeep (COP 40 thousand up to 7 passengers)

You can contact any of the recommended drivers:

Arbey Polo: +57 3148623488
Juan David Ramirez: +57 3194625960
Oscar Parra: +57 3122227243

Tato: +57 3197519149

Alex: +57 3013563994
Elkin Castaño: +57 3007006914

José Darío Jimenez: +57 3206050344
Jorge Velásquez: +57 3116183156

Map with indications

To get to Jericó from Medellín you must go to the “Terminal del Sur”, where you can travel on the bus line of the company “Transportes Jericó Pueblo Rico Tarso”, which will take you directly to the town. You will find buses available for your trip from 5 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon. We recommend you make the trip through the Bolombolo route, which is shorter since it would be approximately 3 hours compared to the Fredonia route, which could be up to 4. The value of the ticket is around $32,000 COP. If you want a private taxi ride, this same company offers this service with a value of $40,000 COP per person.

For more information and transportation reservations, you can go to their website: or contact the cell phone number: +57 3186297414.

To travel from Bogotá, by land, you can go to the Salitre Terminal, although you will also find transportation to Medellín from the North Terminal and the South Terminal. There you can find companies such as Expreso Bolivariano, Expreso Brasilia, Coomotor, among others, which have trips available to Medellin from $85,000 COP with an approximate travel time of 10 hours. You must take into account which of the two terminals you arrive in Medellín since the buses to Jericó leave from the South terminal.

There is no direct transport service from the “Zona Cafetera” (Coffee Region) and the south of the country, however, here we provide you with information on how you can get to Jericó from that part of the country. From the bus terminal in Manizales, Armenia or Pereira, you can take a bus service to the municipality of La Pintada in the department of Antioquia. The bus companies that travel on this route are Empresa Arauca, Flota Ospina and Expreso Sideral. Once you are in La Pintada you can take two types of transportation, one is by “Chiva” (the traditional transportation between the municipalities) and the other is by bus with Trans Mercedes, this will take you to “Puente Iglesias” or “Bolombolo” where you can catch the bus coming from Medellin to Jericó. These two types of transport are located diagonal to the town’s gas station. The average for tickets is $22,000 COP for buses and $18,000 COP for the chiva. Due to the current situation, we recommend before your trip to communicate in advance with the carriers to know the schedule and departures available.

By air, you can find routes to Medellin in different airlines. Ideally, look for a flight to JMC airport and from there look for a shared taxi to Terminal de Transportes Rionegro where is easy to get a Van or Bus to  “Terminal del Sur” where you can take public transportation to Jericó. Beaing this the cheapes route.
The other option is to get to the Jose Maria Córdoba International Airport (JMC ) in Rionegro, from there you can take authorized taxis that charge between 80,000 COP and 90,000 COP, buses or collective taxis that charge between 10,000 COP and 20,000 COP and that will leave you in San Diego, where you will have to take a taxi to the South Terminal. There are also intermunicipal buses that go from the municipality of Rionegro to the Terminal del Sur and that stop at the JMC airport.

We have developed a Transport Search Engine with more details about your transfers. If you are wondering how to get to Jerico, from destinations such as Jardin, Salento, Guatapé, José María Córdoba airport JMC, Medellin or Santa Marta; access to the following link and start navigating the Country.

What services are included?

Your reservation includes parking lot, accommodation, ergonomic chair and desk in co-working space, breakfast, specialty coffee, organic aromatic drinks, access to the river and common area.

If you have booked for over a week stay, 1 laundry service is included per week per person.

How is the internet service?

We have a dedicated Fiber Optic high-speed internet service for our community with 2 backup networks in case of failure in the main connection. Keeping you connected is one of our priorities at Riverside.

How is the community?

Riverside is located in the middle of a peaceful and quiet community in a municipality with a farming and ranching peasant vocation. Likewise, the culture that we promote within our coliving is one of empathy, collaboration and kindness. Our staff and team of volunteers are carefully selected and trained to maintain a friendly environment full of smiles and good vibes, something that for many of our members ends up becoming a family environment, where lasting friendships are built.

What is there to do in Jericó?

Jericó has a wide variety of activities for all tastes. It is a versatile municipality full of nature, culture and adventure.

Check out this post that we prepared for you and discover The 7 Wonders of Jericó Antioquia.

If you have plans for booking a Sustainable Tour, we recommend you to enter to this marketplace that gathers several tour operators of town

How’s the weather?

Jericó normally is fresh and sunny during the day and it cools down in the evening. This around downtown and Riverside varies from 20º to 24ºC during the day or 13º to 18º during the evenings. Depends on the altitude you are staying you can get hot, warm, temperate and cold weather in an ecosystem with nightly rain and some cold winds.

How far is the river? Can you bathe in it?

The river is only a 5 minute walk away. It has various places suitable for bathing, exploring and enjoying nature.

Do you have laundry service?

Yes. We have laundry service included for our members who stay with us for more than a week, 1 wash for each week of stay.

How can I get food?

Breakfast is included in all our plans, and we also have a restaurant service where you can request varied and healthy lunches.

We also have a well-equipped kitchen open for all our members, where you can prepare your food with fresh ingredients that you can obtain directly from our garden or from the town.

Additionally, the gastronomic offer of the municipality is wide and varied, and you can order and receive your delivery from various restaurants in the town directly to our Ecoliving.

How safe in Riverside and Jerico town?

Unlike city life, Jericó is a genuinely safe area in Colombia. There is no such thing as a feeling of sketchiness or being unsafe. It is safe to walk at night and travel back and forth between Riverside and Jerico.

Locals are friendly and always interested in learning about visitors to their town. It’s rare to see people begging or asking for what isn’t rightfully theirs.

Therefore, the perfect lifestyle is a simple one where you don’t have to worry about random situations that are considered “normal” in other places.